Saturday, February 4, 2017

Criticaly examine the segmentation strategy within the organization of your choice

The right marketing management is a way of finding the proper combination of marketingmix, or a combination of instruments for appearance on a market, because that is the way in which Belgrade, as the tourist destination will have priority over competition. The meaning of application of marketingmix is shown throughout unlimited numbers of possibilities which issue from the combination of it’s instruments and their application into the different areas; from planning approach of formulation of marketing strategy; adapting of the offer toward specific needs etc.
Appliance of marketing conception actually is a key for successful select of tourist’s needs. Management of tourist destination should permit a prosperous conversion of the needs into the products and services. Marketing-mix of the tourist destination can be considered of two aspects: on macro level (from aspect of the tourist destination), and from micro level (from aspect of tourist subjects individually).
When elaborating organization of marketing activities and their proper management we actually talk about their arrangement in the organized structure of the marketing. The organization of marketing activities actually refers to the organization of research on the market, the planning and development of the product, the propaganda and organization of the sale.
For successful promotion of the tourist destination it should be implement a process of coordination and reconciliation of efforts of all participants into the tourist industry. That is the only way to get the maximum of the tourist destination’s potential. In modern economic conditions, when the conditions of economy rapidly change, the marketing-management strategy enables the tourist destination to react on time on the market and to gain certain advantage over the remaining (competitive) destination. In Belgrade, this is delegated to  Belgrade turist organisation, which coordinates all the activities in this area.
The tourist destination can determine and set its objective, first of all, by considering and evaluating the factors it has at its disposal, making an evaluation of the income and establishing the character of the surrounding. What make one destination different from the others are actually the factors that the destination has at its disposal (attractive, communicative etc.). In Belgrade, these are rivers Sava and Danube, historical an cultural sights that can be find nowhere else, but also, national cuisine and opportunities for many activities, such as swimming and rowing in the summer, or skiing and parashouting in the autumn and winter. It takes less than two hours from Belgrade to the nearest ski center.

Pozitioning of Belgrade as tourist destination on the market

The objective of undertaking marketing activities and their proper management is to direct the tourist destination towards occupying the desired and planned position on the tourist market. Nevertheless, in order to accomplish that, the first thing that has to be done is to scan the condition of the tourist destination, which is to establish its achieved level of development and its position on the market. In order to establish the achieved degree of development, certain analyses have to be done that will provide data concerning:
  • the structure of the accommodation and catering capacities, (Belgrade can offer every type of accomodation, from low cost hostels, to 5 star hotels)
  • the condition of the communication factors (roads), (It should be enough to mention international airport in the city, exellent railroad and Corridore 10)
  • the degree of valuation and allocation of the attractive resources (cultural and historical monuments, natural resources, etc.), (More than 3000 sights, churches, museums, monuments, castles, fortresses..)
  • the activities undertaken to enrich non-board offer, ( It is well known that Belgrade is Balcan center of night-life)
  • the degree of development of the intermediary factors,
  • the degree of participation of the remaining activities in the constitution of the final tourist offer etc.

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